Monday, April 25, 2011

Family Home Evening

Every Monday my family has family home evening. During family home evening everybody has a specific task to do. We have a person pick an opening song, pray, say a scripture, give a lesson, pick an activity, and so forth. I love family home evening because it's a great spiritual strength for me, as well as a time for family nourishment It's important to have some time each week to spend valuable family time. Family home evening enables me to have bonding with my family and creates unity in our home. Family home evening allows us to spiritually lift and help each other and our family. It helps me to enjoy spending time with my family, and more clearly see the value of my family. In family home evening today, I learned about faith. Faith in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Father isn't just believing , but requires action. When we have faith in Christ, we're obeying His commandments and applying His atonement in our lives. With Faith we do all that we can to return to Christ because we have faith that he is real and its possible to return to live with him. Alma 32 is a great chapter on teaching us how to increase our faith. It starts with a desire to believe and experimenting on the word(gospel). Faith is believing is something that is real without seeing. We can have faith on worldly, or temporal things, but then we don't get the eternal blessings. Faith in eternal things leads to eternal blessings. Faith in temporal things has a limit, while increasing spiritually has no limit.. We are to continue progressing and growing. Giving up my Mondays can sometimes be a challenge, but it's worth. I rather stay up later doing homework, or miss one day with my friends, than missing out in the blessings I receive from family home evening.